Taking Emotional Inventory
You can’t sharpen your swords while you are in the midst of a war. Well, technically you can, but that won’t be the wisest of strategies or very effective either. We take inventories all the time – of our finances, our resources, our groceries, our wardrobes (which...
Do you know your success?
Let me make this clear at the onset, I am not against unbridled ambition. In fact, I admire ambitious people with gaping awe, especially the ones who have a laser focus to achieve what they are after. My point is - success is overrated and is a twisted, misunderstood...
Canning the Can’ts
“I can’t sleep on the right side of the bed.” “I can’t sleep with lights off.” “I can’t drive.” “I can’t dance.” “I can’t go to crowded places.” “I can’t go ahead after a black cat has crossed my path.” “I can’t lose weight.” “I can’t make it to Harvard.” As you must...
We, the gullible consumers
Oh my God, there are so many products in the world, there is so much information… it’s like we are in the middle of a world war of words (and lights and sounds) and we are being bombarded from all angles… buy this, get that.. have this… acquire that… eat this… wear...
What options do you have, really?
They tell you that your whole life flashes before your eyes. It kind of does, when you are hanging on a steep cliff by a single tiny rock that threatens to give in any time and all you can see below is seemingly infinite distance to the ground. Don’t ask me how I...
The Tao of Sanil 4 – Raising Mom
So this month was Sanil’s 9th birthday. The thing with Sanil is that he loves his birthdays… that I am sure all kids of his highly-attention-seeking-and-totally-getting-it generation do. But he loves them so much that he starts planning the next one before the current...
Wait, are you forgetting something?
The ‘you’ who you are, maybe? Life is pretty fast-paced these days. You have to put your best foot forward at any endeavour, be it professional or personal, to be of any consequence. With so much happening, life could be a constant marathon of proving your worth out...
The Tao of Sanil 3 – What is it about Winning?
“So I have been blessed with this teacher and guide, who decided to be born through me. My son Sanil, almost 9 now, has always been full of inquiries, observations, deductions and theories… Ever since I can remember and ever since he started communicating, we’ve had...
The Strangeness of it All!
India is a strange country. We are strange people. I’ll say. The observation becomes a wee bit in-our-face when we are celebrating our festivals. Like today I celebrated Durga Ashtami just as countless others. Some more observations here: I worshipped little “Srishti”...
The Virtue of Not Knowing
So I was at this impromptu dinner where I laughed so much that it hurt my cheeks (really grateful for I had had such rough time in the past couple of months). We talked about all sorts of things under the sun or beyond it. There was this German guy who was telling...