Do you throw away what is broken?
If not from your life then from your heart?
Can something be broken yet lovable?
Can scars be beautiful?
Scars that life bestows upon
Sometimes as grace sometimes as riddle
Or perhaps always as grace, sometimes hidden as riddle
Each scar has a story
Each scar is a story
A story that makes it what it is
Scars are but stories of life written by life
Do you throw away a part of story you don’t like?
Do you throw away what is scarred?
If not from your life then from your heart?
Can something be scarred yet lovable?
Can something be more beautiful now that it is scarred?
Or can it be made more beautiful now that it is broken?
Like Kintsukuroi, just not on pottery but all things life?
What if you are broken?
What if you are scarred?
Do you throw yourself away?
If not from your life then from your heart?
Or can you be broken and yet lovable?
Scarred yet beautiful?
With Kintsukuroi, made more so
Or not even that
Just as is, simply lovable
Simply you
Can something be broken and lovable?
Scarred and beautiful?


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