Zest, Zeal, Zing, Zohra!!

What is it that one thing that Zohra Sehgal stands for, according to you? “Life!” “Passion!” “Zing!” I haven’t done any structured survey but I am sure more than 90% respondents will echo something to that effect. I have always been fascinated by the young lady. Yes,...

I Will Climb A Mountain – Because I Want To!

Every time I look at the distance we as women have travelled, every time I look at the difference between past and present which is so stark and glaring, I am filled with a sense of pride. And I am sure every woman today would be too. There was a time we struggled for...

Do we worship girls? Why?

I got up in the morning early today as today is a special day. It’s Ashtami pooja. This day conjures up so many memories and stories… memories that bring smile to my lips. I remember being a small girl frolicking in some cute attire, being invited to the entire...

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands…

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands… I love this children’s song. It is a beautiful song. It also makes me think, every time, that it is possible to be happy and NOT know it. As a matter of fact, it is usually the case. We are happy most...

Bed of Roses is No Bed of Roses

It has been bugging me for a while now. This nagging feeling… of getting it easy. Easy is not easy after a while. On the surface, it would appear that a life devoid of complications and struggles would be an ideal and desirable one.  But really, is it so? When...