Jun 5, 2014 | Seeing Through
This is the most basic and most important quest of human life. In whatever we do or plan to do, there is only one goal – to achieve happiness. The journey of our whole life is an endeavour to bring us closer to, what we feel, makes us happy. It is another story...
May 30, 2014 | Awesomeness
How does one pay homage to a person who revolutionized the way the world thinks about things it never bothered too much about? Racism, civil rights, place of women in society and so on? And just with the power of words. I find myself at a loss for words of tribute for...
Mar 31, 2014 | Seeing Through
We’ve been told to dream, and dream big — aim for the stars, if you will. Worshiping people who aim high and achieve their dreams is ingrained in our sociocultural fabric. There is nothing wrong in dreaming big or small, and people striving to attain what they most...
Feb 25, 2014 | Seeing Through
This is my strong belief that we are living in never better before era. Never mind what they say about the world going to the dogs (may or not be true), the world has never seen so much freedom available to women, in terms of thoughts as well as actually going out...
Jan 17, 2014 | Seeing Through
It was excitement, curiosity and even a sense of longing to be there. I had heard so much about it, and yet had made it a point not to do any research, reading, talking or questioning before I went there. I am a sucker for first hand experiences, you see. First hand...